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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Recap, Our Playa Wedding: Friends

Before we get to the recaps of our ceremony and our venue, I wanted to highlight our guests. Our friends. Our campmates.

Preparing for Cubes & Eden's Wedding
Photography Credit: Tom Cavnar via Flickr

In the moment I forgot all about someone needing to coordinate the affair. I was so caught up in seeing everyone and thanking them for joining us. I was also busy handing out our favors. It wasn't until the I was on the scissor lift that I realized just how many people had come to see us say "I Do" (or just happened by the sculpture). In fact, I wasn't even nervous until I climbed up into the scissor lift, turned around, and looked out. 

And that's when it hit me. There was a sea of smiling faces - some we knew, some we didn't - surrounding us. We'd asked guests to wear costumes inspired by Joss Whedon's Firefly series or Serenity movie (River and Inara-inspired costumes that I'd found on Etsy). And people had done exactly that!

All of a sudden the moment seemed that much greater. For me time didn't move quickly; it seemed like an eternity between when I started and finished my vows. But it did end and the sun set completely. And the rejoicing began.

Here are some shots of our amazing guests.
Photography Credit: Arlette via Flickr

Arlen in "Firefly" get-up
Photography Credit: Arlette via Flickr

Photography Credit: Arlette via Flickr

Tank Girl-esque
Photography Credit: Arlette via Flickr

Our Playa Wedding Recapped

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