The ketubah was one place where we tied our two weddings together. If you remember, we created our own ketubah using Tsilli Press's DIY Ketubah Kit and choosing one of the photos from our Burning Man wedding for the design.
ProTip: If you're using a photograph for your ketubah, be sure to have permanent pens that can write on photographs on hand. Most pens smudge. Put these pens with your ketubah - not in a bag near the ketubah but in the same container as the ketubah. Luckily for us - yes we forgot to bring the pens - Jessica had one that we could borrow.
Our rabbi explains to all who were gathered (quite a crowd, more than the wedding party and immediate family we'd originally envisioned) what we're about to do.
A ketubah is a marriage contract. While unromantic and one of the oldest elements of a Jewish wedding, it's pretty remarkable in how progressive it was for its time (end of first century, C.E.). Basically the ketubah traditionally outlined how women would be treated and what their rights were. We modified our ketubah in that it doesn't address economics and we, along with our witnesses, signed it.
A ketubah is a marriage contract. While unromantic and one of the oldest elements of a Jewish wedding, it's pretty remarkable in how progressive it was for its time (end of first century, C.E.). Basically the ketubah traditionally outlined how women would be treated and what their rights were. We modified our ketubah in that it doesn't address economics and we, along with our witnesses, signed it.
First up our two witnesses, Burstein and Leslie sign.
We were excited to learn that our Ketubah was the first Leslie had been a witness for. Typically Ketubah witnesses are Jewish men who aren't related to the couple by blood or through marriage. As we had a Reform Jewish ceremony our rabbi didn't hold us to only men. Also as I haven't yet converted, we had a lot more leeway as to our witnesses.
Then we sign.
Finally, after everyone had signed, our rabbi signed. And just like that we're married.
Up next, Waiting.
If you've just joined and want to catch up, here's what we've done so far.
- Highlighted my dress and how it almost didn't happen.
- cubes and I took our turn in the spotlight for our portraits.
- The bridespeople get herded for photos.
- Socks captured!
- The groomspeople get herded for photos.
- The wedding party strikes a pose.
- I get veiled.
- The best man and Diva of Honor signed our marriage license.
Credits: All photographs unless noted otherwise were taken by Jessica Palopoli. Bride's dress: Vintage I.Magnin, reconstructed by Miss Velvet Cream. Bride's hat and veil: Estar Hats. Bride's makeup by Guille of The Lobby Salon. Bride's hair styled by Catherine Walters. Bride's hair color and cut by John Skinner and Louise Frost of CODE Salon, respectively. Groom's hair by Cindy Lopez of Azure Salon. Groom's suit: Vintage Gucci from Sui Generis, reconstructed by Miss Velvet Cream.
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