Second stop was a small room off the balcony that had light streaming through stain glass windows. The room itself was nothing special but the light was soft and warm.
I love this picture because you can see my boots. They were totally the right call for the day.
Up next, More Herding Cats aka Wedding Party Portraits.
If you've just joined and want to catch up, here's what we've done so far.
If you've just joined and want to catch up, here's what we've done so far.
- Highlighted my dress and how it almost didn't happen.
Credits: All photographs unless noted otherwise were taken by Jessica Palopoli. Bride's makeup by Guille of The Lobby Salon. Bride's dress: Vintage I.Magnin, reconstructed by Miss Velvet Cream. Bride's hair styled by Catherine Walters. Bride's hair color and cut by John Skinner and Louise Frost of CODE Salon, respectively. Groom's hair by Cindy Lopez of Azure Salon. Groom's suit: Vintage Gucci from Sui Generis, reconstructed by Miss Velvet Cream.
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