Well... Didn't stay like that. The table with the paper on it had boxes stacked up on top of it. The front hall had gear from Burning Man, linens, and more.
And now... A month after we said "I Do." From where I sit I can still see my Cricut Personal Electronic Cutter. I still don't know how to use the thing - didn't have time after the couple of sessions where I sat down with it and tried to craft table numbers and shapes for our guestbook.
I've got printers scattered about - my original trusty HP for which I couldn't find the powercord when we needed to print invitations. My doll size Canon Selphy which powered through Save the Dates, RSVP cards, and 4x6 photographs. Our new HP which dutifully - sometimes with coaxing and a whole lot of swearing - gifted us with invitations, programs, and more.
So what was your trick? Bowie Bride decorated their apartment with their DIY projects. But what do you do with all the tools? The supplies?
I want to know because I want an apartment that doesn't scream wedding.
We uh... still haven't dealt with it. We're still working on incorporating all our gifts! We did make a bit of a point to not get too much big stuff for DIYing, so right now our stuff is relegated to some shelves in the living room. Big stuff, like all the candleholders, is in the garage (a total luxury). I suspect we'll go through the DIY supplies, cull what's not useful any longer, and create a crafts box for the rest of it. We also need to clean all of those candle holders and mason jars. Any tips for getting wax off glass? The rice was a great idea, btw.