Next Saturday is our second Wedding DIY Project Crafting Day. We plan to have four in total with the goal of all DIY Projects being completed before we leave for Burning Man. Our first crafting day was a huge success - we finished all of our invitations. The other three days will tackle Wedding Favors, Programs, and Escort Cards and Table Numbers.
We're not ready for either the Wedding Favors or Programs projects. So I've been thinking about table numbers (What Inspires Me post and Choosing post) and escort cards. (We're having escort cards rather than place cards. The difference? Escort cards guide a guest to their table. A place card tells a guest which seat is theirs. Don't feel bad if you didn't know there was a difference. I didn't know until I came across a post on Project Wedding.)
What are you doing for your escort/place cards? Are you having them printed or are you making them yourself?
I've gone back and forth in my mind over what our escort cards should look like (have always been set on how they'd stand up). The one thing I'm certain of (after our first Wedding DIY Project Crafting Day) is that I want our escort cards to include our amazing DOH's calligraphy. (She's a woman of many talents and I love love love how the addresses on our invitations look! Hopefully, fingers crossed, she's up for writing 147 names.)
Here are some of the escort/place cards that have caught my eye. Note that not all of the escort/place cards are "cards."

Compasses. A Lucky Orchid Wedding

Books. Style Me Pretty

Soda Bottles. Project Wedding DIY via Chatty Brides
Popcorn. Snippet & Ink
Your Name in Lights. Miss Cola on WeddingBee
Tickets. Style Me Pretty
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