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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday Purseday: In need of an outfit

How do you plan what you're going to wear for the day? Do you carefully lay out your clothes and accessories the night before?

I wait until I wake up, until I'm in danger of being late to figure out what I'm going to wear. This morning I woke up wanting to sport buttery carmel accessories, specifically these shoes and this purse.

A Matched Set
Shoes by Joyce of California, circa 1970s, Purse by John Romain, 1967; More photos on Flickr.
The problem? I'm not sure what to wear them with. I've come up with a totally not work appropriate and very unique style (grey ribbed tank top with greenish Italian torn up jeans) that I might try another time, but so far I'm drawing a blank for work.

What outfit would you pair with these shoes and purse?

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